AskUp Official User Guide Vol. 2 - Feature set

2023/08/16 | 3mins
askup official user guide function collection
  • Haley (Content Communication)

  • If you are curious about the main features and how to use AskUp

    Those who want to use ChatGPT easily in KakaoTalk

  • Chat AI AskUp, are you using it well? In Part 2 of the official user guide, we will look at the 7 representative features found in AskUp.

  • ✔️ AskUp feature set


    ✔️ Looking for the latest information '? search'



    ✔️ Healthy diet management 'Food Lens'

    ✔️ English newspaper of the day

Are you using Chat AI AskUp, which anyone can easily meet on KakaoTalk? Since its launch in March, AskUp has been loved by so many people that it already has about 1.36 million channel friends. In Part 2 of the official user guide, we would like to share the various functions of AskUp at a glance so that users can use them more effectively in their daily lives. So let's take a look at the 7 representative features that can be found on AskUp one by one.

AskUp feature set


A case of reading and translating an English document using AskUp's OCR function

AskUp is equipped with an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) function that can read, translate, and even summarize text in images sent by users. This is why it is called 'Chat GPT with eyes'. Combining Upstage's OCR technology, it is characterized by accurate character recognition regardless of font, handwriting, or background. To use the OCR function, try sending a picture with text in the chat window. It reads not only Korean but also foreign languages and responds to user requests.

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 👀>

  • When you want to summarize and read an image containing text of 1,200 characters or less

  • When foreign language translation of menus, signs, guides, documents, etc. is required

  • When you want to extract text from an image and record it digitally on a mobile phone, computer, etc.

2. Image creation

From the left, the image created with the prompts “Draw a bear wearing a space suit and flying through space” and “Draw a cat wearing a hat traveling with a map”

AskUp is equipped with 'Upsketch', an image-generating artificial intelligence model that can draw pictures as well as eyes to read letters. UpSketch is a model fine-tuned with Upstage's technology. It has two functions: 'Draw me', which creates the image the user wants, and 'Profile', which changes the image to a younger or more attractive image based on the face image.

It's simple to use. The 'draw me' function is a method in which an image is created when the user inputs “draw me” after explaining the desired image . For example, if you type “draw aurora in the night sky”, you can get a wonderful image of aurora, or you can also generate unrealistic images like “draw a bear wearing a space suit and flying through space” to make your imagination a reality. there is.

'Profile' function that changes the image to younger or more attractive based on the face image

Recently, AI-generated profile pictures are also popular. You can also use AskUp in a fun way through the 'Profile' function. Send a photo centered on the person's face to AskUp and create a new profile image by selecting options such as ▲Draw cool ▲Draw young according to your preference .

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 📸>

  • When you want to express an image in your imagination into reality

  • When you want to create images with the feeling you want without worrying about copyright


3. Looking for the latest information '? search'

The most frequently cited weakness of ChatGPT is 'hallucination' (generating false or false information that is not based on given data or context). AskUp is a '? Unlike ChatGPT, which only learned information up to 2021 by adding a 'search (question mark search)' function, a search engine was incorporated to find and answer the latest information. Enter the word you want to search after the '?' (question mark) in the KakaoTalk channel chat window. Along with the search results, you can immediately check the summary, sources, and links.

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 🔍>

  • When you want to search the latest information after 2021

  • When you need a search function rather than creation/creation


  • When you want accurate information


AskUp, which provides the optimal answer in a natural conversation by adding upstage's prompt tuning and fine tuning to ChatGPT, is basically based on GPT-3.5. If you want to get a smarter answer, try putting '!' in front of the command. '! When searching, GPT-4 is applied to effectively process user requests.

GPT-4 is an artificial intelligence that has learned a huge amount of data, and has more sophisticated language understanding and processing capabilities than GPT-3.5. According to OpenAI, GPT-4 was 40% more likely to respond to factual information than GPT-3.5 through internal evaluation, and 82% less likely to respond to unacceptable questions such as risk factors. has If you want to come up with a more sophisticated and clever answer than usual, '! Make full use of 'Search'. (ex. ! How to beat Monday sickness / ! AI)

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 🧠>

  • When you want to get smarter answers


If you're tired of browsing tons of sites to find what you're looking for, try our URL summary feature. Enter the URL link into the chat window and AskUp will automatically summarize the contents of the page.

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 🔗>

  • When you want to see a summary of the contents of a web page

  • When you want to shorten web surfing and search time

6. Healthy diet management 'Food Lens'

The last feature to introduce is 'Food Lens', a food recognition solution. Upstage applied it to AskUp in partnership with Doing Lab, an artificial intelligence healthcare startup. If you're curious about the calories and nutritional information of what you're eating, take a photo and send it to AskUp. By automatically recognizing food through Food Lens, you can find not only dietary advice, but also recipes, foods that go well with each other, and how to eat deliciously.

In addition, if you press the 'Record' button that appears at the bottom after sending a picture of food, the diet is recorded and you can receive advice on a healthy diet according to your eating habits and goals. Up to 5 recent food photos are recorded, so if you want to manage your diet in a healthy way, why not use Food Lens?

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 🍚>

  • When you want to manage your diet in a healthy way through nutritional information analysis and diet advice

  • When you want to record your recent diet

  • When you want to know how to cook food

7. English newspaper of the day

Get today's English newspaper from the smart menu at the bottom of the chat window with AskUp. With AskUp's new feature, you can check today's top news articles in English every day. Don't miss out on the opportunity to save yourself the trouble of searching for articles every day and learn English together!

<이럴 때 사용해 보세요 📰>

  • When you want to quickly get news from the world every day

  • When you want to study English by reading English newspapers steadily

AskUp's efforts continue so that many people can conveniently use AI in their daily lives. Add AskUp as a friend in the KakaoTalk channel now and experience various features!

  • 👉 Kakao Talk

  • Upstage, founded in October 2020, offers a no-code/low-code solution called "Upstage AI Pack" to help clients innovate in AI. This solution applies the latest AI technologies to various industries in a customized manner. Upstage AI Pack includes OCR technology that extracts desired information from images, recommendation technology that considers customer information and product/service features, and natural language processing search technology that enables meaning-based search. By using the Upstage AI Pack, companies can easily utilize data processing, AI modeling, and metric management. They can also receive support for continuous updates, allowing them to use the latest AI technologies conveniently. Additionally, Upstage offers practical, AI-experienced training and a strong foundation in AI through an education content business. This helps cultivate differentiated professionals who can immediately contribute to AI business.

    Led by top talents from global tech giants like Google, Apple, Amazon, Nvidia, Meta, and Naver, Upstage has established itself as a unique AI technology leader. The company has presented excellent papers at world-renowned AI conferences, such as NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ECCV, WWW, CHI, and WSDM. In addition, Upstage is the only Korean company to have won double-digit gold medals in Kaggle competitions. CEO Sung Kim, an associate professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, is a world-class AI guru who has received the ACM Sigsoft Distinguished Paper Award four times for his research on bug prediction and automatic source code generation. He is also well-known as a lecturer for "Deep Learning for Everyone," which has recorded over 7 million views on YouTube. Co-founders include CTO Hwal-suk Lee, who led Naver's Visual AI/OCR and achieved global success, and CSO Eun-jeong Park, who led the modelling of the world's best translation tool, Papago.

    Go to Upstage Homepage


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