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Finding a good colleague according to talent recruitment managers - [Star View Vol. 6] People eXperience Team

03/10/2023 | 3mins

Upstage lowers the threshold of AI under the mission of 'Making AI Beneficial' and draws a world where anyone can easily introduce and apply AI technology. In addition to 'AI Pack', a no-code-low-code AI solution that helps companies digitally transform , ChatGPT and 'AskUp', which incorporate their OCR technology, which has recently become a hot topic by gathering 30,000 channel friends within 3 days of launching KakaoTalk ' It is loved by many people and adds to its meaning.

At Upstage, where stars (colleagues) who are serious about making the world a better place with AI work based on autonomy and trust, they share experiences of immersion and growth based on the 'Upstage Way'. there is. And the People eXperience team is always working hard to bring outstanding colleagues into a good culture. In this Star View, we met Helen, Jisoo, and Yongjin, who are in charge of talent recruitment who are sincere to stars, and listened to the story of star recruitment only at Upstage.

The first step toward becoming a good star (colleague), People eXperience Team

Nice to meet you. Please introduce yourself.

Helen: Hi, I'm Helen in charge of recruiting talent at Upstage.

Jisoo: Hello, this is Jisoo Kim, who is in charge of recruiting talent at Upstage. The main task is to recruit talent, but we are also working together to create a better upstage culture.

Yongjin: Hello, I am Yongjin Eom, in charge of recruiting upstage talent. In the company, it is called 'Umtan'. My main job is to find and bring in talented people who want to grow with Upstage. I am also very interested in and actively participating in the part of creating an attractive culture and work environment only in Upstage.

How are you in charge of the talent recruitment part?

Yong-Jin: Although applicants are classified according to the recruiting channel through which they submit their applications, the three of them work together to resolve issues or concerns regarding overall talent recruitment. I think the fact that the three of us have various careers and experiences is a strength in collaboration. We define problems given in various environments and find alternatives, and we give and receive feedback on parts that each other hadn't thought of and make up for them. In that respect, teamwork is a very important factor, and we often discuss the way we work together to maintain good chemistry.

The secret to recruiting good stars (colleagues) A to Z

What kind of talent do you consider important to find a good colleague?

Jisoo: First of all, we invite people who are better than me in terms of duties. If you are convinced that 'He is a person who can add another value to our current team!' In terms of culture, we are looking for people who fit the 'Upstage Way' (One team, One step more, Sharing, Personal growth, Ethics), which is Upstage's way of working. In the culture interview, we are closely checking if you are the right person for these five upstage ways.

There must be some difficult points when it comes to finding a colleague,
How are you getting through?

Helen: It is not always easy to find people who are compatible not only in terms of work capacity, but also in terms of culture. In addition to the existing recruitment channels, platforms, and recruitment activities, we are working harder to attract good people. Even if it is not an event or activity for the purpose of recruitment, if there is an opportunity to align with Upstage's 'Making AI Beneficial' mission, we will participate with an open mind and sincerely promote Upstage.

In particular, other stars are participating in the process of this opportunity and adding their sincerity and effort. Half-jokingly, half-seriously, “Honorary RC (Recruiting) Team! Warriors become RC!”

Are there any differentiated points in the upstage talent recruitment process?

Yongjin: First of all, if you look at our Upstage Talent Recruitment website, the job groups and jobs being recruited are very subdivided .

In order to design and continuously supplement the talent recruitment process suitable for each job function, we are making efforts to reach a consensus by frequently communicating with the Hiring Managers who are in charge of the talent recruitment process for each job function . Thanks to this, I think we are making a recruitment process that can give applicants a good experience.

However, since the entire process is carefully designed, it requires a lot of energy, such as schedules and technical/interviews. Conversely, considering that those who were recruited through a difficult and systematic process are already colleagues, it seems clear that the confidence and expectations for future growth potential can only grow.

(I also hear that the Hiring Bar is overkill)
Wondering why you can maintain a great high-earing bar?

Jisoo: The reason is, in a word, that we only serve certain people . These days, for quick recruitment, there are many cases where the screening process or time is reduced. In contrast, Upstage is not typically short.

You will be interviewed, and many interviewers you will meet will only take those who give clear positive comments to the next level, so you can maintain a great hearing bar. Silk work capacity and skills must be the best in the universe! It's not, but we invite someone who fits well with us culturally, sympathize with the mission, and come and grow together in solidarity!

And there are jobs that are uniquely recruited in Upstage. For example, there are AI Customer Engineers, Customer Success Partners, and Data Managers that respond to customer technology . Since there are many cases in which job responsibilities are subdivided, it is difficult to define the job at the beginning, who will fit in, and who will be able to grow. It is important to do I think it's helping me to maintain the high-ring bar because I've been doing it very carefully.

Do you have any experiences/insights gained through TR (Talent Relationship) activities?

Helen: Through various Talent Relationship activities, even if we are not directly connected to the current recruitment, we try to meet and talk with a lot of people who have common concerns and are walking a similar path to create an AI ecosystem. When I ask the participants after the activity, they give a lot of feedback that they are comforted, strengthened, and inspired by stars who deeply sympathize with their current concerns and give sincere advice. In that sense, what each of us is doing is different, but in the end, the most common power seems to be sincere concern and empathy for AI technology .

Please share the culture of Upstage that you would like to share with prospective applicants.

Helen: Upstage is always a place to think and share together. Basically, information is open through Slack and Google Drive, and anyone can participate in discussions and comment. Even if it is not directly related to work, if there are things you want to share with colleagues on various topics such as AI technology and trends, working methods and work tools, we have a culture of sharing. In fact, we share information through various channels within Slack and hold monthly up-study sessions to share our insights and experiences throughout the company.

Upstage, where more than 100 stars have gathered,
What are your major plans for talent acquisition this year?

Yongjin: Looking back over the past two years, it seems that as the company has continued to grow rapidly, speed has been regarded as a very important factor in the talent recruitment process. This year, along with such a sense of speed, we also have a plan to strengthen the internal stability necessary for a new leap forward through feedback on the talent recruitment process itself and in-depth reviews on overall performance. In particular, we will continue to try to help you make better decisions in the field through efforts to find clues that will help create a better experience from various feedback from applicants and analysis of data related to talent recruitment.

Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the prospective candidates?

Jisoo: Like me, many people think that the most important criterion when choosing a company is colleagues. One of the most important criteria is whether the organization has people I can learn from. At Upstage, everyone is working so passionately that you can automatically think, 'A person like that works this hard, can't he do something!'

If you look at the Upstage Careers website , various jobs such as Software Engineer, AI Research Engineer, and AI Customer Engineer responding to customer technology are open. Our Software Engineer, AI Research Engineer jobs are also available to professional research personnel. We are actively recruiting during the first half of the year, so please give us a lot of interest!

Upstage Way, our promise towards good colleagues

Please share your important upstage way and practice know-how.

Helen: The upstage way that I personally think is important is 'One team' . In fact, the recruitment process itself is a process that not only the recruitment team but also various people make together, so we try to discuss and solve together within the process.

Jisoo: Personally, I keep 'One step more' in mind when working. In fact, the recruitment work itself tends to be routine, so when you work, you get wet with inertia. To prevent that from happening, we always work with one-step mower in mind. For example, when communicating with candidates, if there is a position that is a little more fit than the position you applied for, we will suggest another position inversely, or adjust the speed of the process to suit the candidate or internal situation.

Yongjin: None of the Upstage Ways are unimportant, but the ones I pay attention to the most lately seem to be 'One team' and 'Sharing' . The ultimate goal of the business area of recruiting talent is to bring in people who will help us achieve our vision of 'Making AI Beneficial'. In order to solve the various problems encountered in the process, intense discussion and communication with not only the three of us but all the stars who collaborate on various methodologies, and effectively sharing 'goals, processes, and results' create a team. Think of it as the way to go.

“My upstage colleague is ○○!”

Helen: ‘The biggest charm of Upstage’ . In the end, I think the thing that applicants and those currently working with are most attracted to Upstage is the co-workers they work with. I think the biggest appeal of Upstage is working with colleagues who can grow together.

Jisoo: Upstage colleagues are 'everyone'! I would like to answer Under the mission of 'Making AI Beneficial', Upstage is providing a service called AI Pack that did not exist in the world. Since I am doing something I have never done before, I think the only thing I can trust is my colleague next to me. So in the end, I think Upstage's colleagues are everything Upstage is.

Yongjin: I think I often think about being like a 'star'. In fact, inside our Upstage, we refer to our colleagues as 'stars'.

Thanks to the 'stars' who are by my side and give and receive help naturally without having to be very conscious and deliberately looking for them, they reflect on my thoughts and actions and make me look back to see if there is anything I lack, and when I do, I grow into a new look without knowing it. I think that the people who make it possible to look at '' are Helen, Jisoo, and all the 'stars' of our Upstage.

I also hope to become a colleague like that 'star', and I will continue to find and invite 'new stars' with the same hope.

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